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匿名  發表於 2023-12-6 05:04:24

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Профессиональный ремонт электродвигателей всех типов, компрессоров, насосного оборудования, вентиляторов, бензиновых и дизельных генераторов

КОЭФФИЦИЕНТЫ ПРИМЕНЯЕМЫЕ ПРИ РАСЧЕТЕ: Без перемотки, с ремонтом подш
узлов -0,5 Иностранного производства – 1,5 — 2,0 Срочный до 3 дней — 1,7 Срочный до 5 дней — 1,5 Двухскоростных с одной обмоткой — 1,5 Двухскоростной с независимыми обмотками -2 Трех — и четырехскоростных -3 Обращенных — 4 С фреоностойкой обмоткой — 3; С фазным ротором — 2; C распрессовкой статора — 1,3 С балансировкой ротора — 1,2 Замена узла контактных колец — 1; С восстановлением сопротивления изоляции к/колец — 0,3


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匿名  發表於 2023-12-6 09:45:30

Introduce alien self-examination, twists swallow: staged surgery?

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<a href=>Все о дизайне интерьера</a>

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匿名  發表於 2023-12-7 08:23:45

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使用道具 送花

匿名  發表於 2023-12-7 19:51:45

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‘I didn’t know what to say’: Wiegman praises England despite Olympic blow
Manager ‘proud’ but 6-0 win over Scotland was not enough
‘We really thought we got it, and then we didn’t make it’
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Sarina Wiegman said she “didn’t know what to say” to England’s heartbroken stars as they stood in a huddle on hearing the news that the Netherlands had scored a fourth against Belgium to knock them out of the Nations League on goal difference and end any chance of qualifying for the Olympic Games next year.

England looked to have done enough when Lucy Bronze’s late header capped a 6-0 victory against Scotland after 90 minutes of playing leapfrog with the Netherlands at the top of League A Group 1. But Damaris Egurrola’s 95th-minute goal for the Dutch earned them a 4-0 win minutes after England’s game had ended.

Alex Greenwood and Lucy Bronze console one another after hearing the news from the Netherlands.
England thrash Scotland but cannot avoid Team GB Olympic heartbreak
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After the third Dutch goal in the 91st minute Wiegman, who had been relaying news of the score to the team via Bronze, who was nearest the dugout at right-back, urged them to go on the hunt.
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“I said: ‘We have to score now,’” she said. “We were pushing to score that goal anyway, because things can change any minute. So, then they scored, and we said now we have to go, we couldn’t play any scenario because there was no time, it was the end of the game, so she just ran forward, got the goal, that was really good, and I thought now we’re going to get it, but … it was not enough.”

England grouped in a circle, as hopes of Olympic qualification for Team GB died with England’s exit from the Nations League. Only the top two European sides and France as hosts will be at Paris 2024.

“We were waiting for some long minutes, and we really thought we got it, and then we didn’t make it,” the manager said. “I said I didn’t know what to say. All I could say was I’m really proud of our performance and what we did this whole week. But it’s not enough and it’s really, really disappointing.”

On whether there was a small silver lining in England’s players getting a summer off and some much-needed rest in an increasingly packed calendar, Wiegman said: “Well, you want to go to every major tournament. The career of a football player is only a certain amount of time, so if you can play every major tournament of course every player wants that. In the bigger picture, we have to look at the calendar.

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匿名  發表於 2023-12-7 23:57:12

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Но быть всем этом, дизайн и его тематическая составляющая не должны направлять от информации, которую нуждаться донести до аудитории а иже с ним – предварительно потенциальных покупателей товаров разве услуг, которые предлагает им наш заказчик.Будто добиться роста кликабельностиПрообраз эластичного макета дозволительно посмотреть в моем представлении CSS Zen Garden (глупый гибрид эластичного и резинового макета). Насколько я знаю, это единственное представление CSS Zen Garden, которое является эластичным и доступно настолько, насколько это весь вероятно быть нередактируемой (изначально заданной) разметке страницы. Я очень горжусь этим фактом (несомненно, донельзя хороший метонимия, однако у меня в Opera 9.22 около ширине меньше 150 пикселей блоки «наезжают» побратанец на друга, этот действие описан выше в минусах резинового макета).Часть жилого пространства без декоративного водоёма (пруда, фонтана, ручья, водопада) обычно выглядит сухо и скучно. Фантазии при устройстве водоёма нет предела, следовательно безапелляционный облик таких композиций зависит через дизайнерских предложений, пожеланий заказчика и определяется проектом…Тут всё так же, вроде и ради Фейсбука, поэтому в данном разделе никаких дополнительных комментариев не оставляем, смотрите соответствующую статью. =)
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Термин «шрифт» заранее означал более узкое мысль — набор символов определенной гарнитуры, размера и начертания. Коллекция — это сумма шрифтов, объединенных общими стилевыми признаками, отличными от других шрифтов. Но в настоящее период термины «украшение» и «шрифт» нередко употребляются как синонимы.Вот, положим, живет себе прислуга Ваня и ведет аскетический способ жизни. Живет себе и не знает, что вся область поет «На лабутенах... и в штанах» группы «Ленинград». И вот Ваня решает смахнуть пыль со своего аккаунта в ВКонтакте и, ровно всего он открывает ленту, то приходит в ужас: круг второй репостнул себе то клип «Лабутенов», то шуточку об этой песне.ВыводыТак что разве вы действительно настроены продвигать свой бизнес в Инстаграм, игнорить основную ленту и сторис не стоит. Также не стоит игнорить и такие важные нюансы, сиречь хэштеги и геолокацию.Активность пользователей: лайки, комментарии.

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匿名  發表於 2023-12-8 01:03:30

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使用道具 送花

匿名  發表於 2023-12-8 07:00:01

Кракен тор

‘I didn’t know what to say’: Wiegman praises England despite Olympic blow
Manager ‘proud’ but 6-0 win over Scotland was not enough
‘We really thought we got it, and then we didn’t make it’
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Sarina Wiegman said she “didn’t know what to say” to England’s heartbroken stars as they stood in a huddle on hearing the news that the Netherlands had scored a fourth against Belgium to knock them out of the Nations League on goal difference and end any chance of qualifying for the Olympic Games next year.

England looked to have done enough when Lucy Bronze’s late header capped a 6-0 victory against Scotland after 90 minutes of playing leapfrog with the Netherlands at the top of League A Group 1. But Damaris Egurrola’s 95th-minute goal for the Dutch earned them a 4-0 win minutes after England’s game had ended.

Alex Greenwood and Lucy Bronze console one another after hearing the news from the Netherlands.
England thrash Scotland but cannot avoid Team GB Olympic heartbreak
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After the third Dutch goal in the 91st minute Wiegman, who had been relaying news of the score to the team via Bronze, who was nearest the dugout at right-back, urged them to go on the hunt.
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“I said: ‘We have to score now,’” she said. “We were pushing to score that goal anyway, because things can change any minute. So, then they scored, and we said now we have to go, we couldn’t play any scenario because there was no time, it was the end of the game, so she just ran forward, got the goal, that was really good, and I thought now we’re going to get it, but … it was not enough.”

England grouped in a circle, as hopes of Olympic qualification for Team GB died with England’s exit from the Nations League. Only the top two European sides and France as hosts will be at Paris 2024.

“We were waiting for some long minutes, and we really thought we got it, and then we didn’t make it,” the manager said. “I said I didn’t know what to say. All I could say was I’m really proud of our performance and what we did this whole week. But it’s not enough and it’s really, really disappointing.”

On whether there was a small silver lining in England’s players getting a summer off and some much-needed rest in an increasingly packed calendar, Wiegman said: “Well, you want to go to every major tournament. The career of a football player is only a certain amount of time, so if you can play every major tournament of course every player wants that. In the bigger picture, we have to look at the calendar.

使用道具 送花

匿名  發表於 2023-12-8 07:51:35

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To some, they are another species of feathered friend; to others, they are rats with wings whose droppings deface historic buildings.
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But in Japan, pigeons may have become the victims of crime, after police arrested a Tokyo taxi driver on suspicion of deliberately driving into a flock of the birds, killing one of them.

Suspect Atsushi Ozawa, 50, “used his car to kill a common pigeon, which is not a game animal”, in the Japanese capital last month, and was arrested on Sunday for violating wildlife protection laws, a Tokyo police spokesperson told Agence France-Presse.

The suspect told police he had driven into the birds because “Roads are for people. It’s up to the pigeons to avoid cars,” according to local media.
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A black bear in Iwate prefecture, northern Japan
Bear attacks in Japan hit record high as hunger forces some to delay hibernation
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While limited numbers of game pigeons can be hunted legally in Japan, their feral, urban cousins, can be killed only if they are a proven nuisance – such as causing damage to crops and livestock – and only with the approval of local authorities.

The taxi driver allegedly sped off from traffic lights after they had turned green and ploughed into the birds at a speed of 60km/h (37mph), according to Japanese media.

The alleged incident was reported to police by a passerby who was alerted by the sound of a car engine as it accelerated.

A veterinarian performed a postmortem examination on the pigeon and determined its cause of death as traumatic shock.

Given his job as a professional driver, police described his actions as “highly malicious” – a consideration that prompted them to proceed with the unusual arrest, the Fuji TV network reported.

Sympathy for Tokyo’s pigeons contrasts with sentiment towards its population of crows, which were targeted after complaints that their appetite for rubbish left in the street by restaurants was making a mess of the capital’s streets.

In 2001, the then governor, Shintaro Ishihara, announced he was waging war on the city’s estimated 36,000 crows. Over the two decades that followed, the capital’s crow population fell by around two-thirds, according to the Yomiuri Shimbun.

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